5G with its increased bandwidth and very low latency could enable the use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in banking sector. 5G holds the key to immersive and engaging customer experience across channels. On the one hand it can be used to equip virtual assistants and chatbots with better audio, video, and language processing capabilities. On the other it can enable the use of spatial computing where digital data can be manipulated in non-digital form to provide extended or mixed reality scenarios and immersive experiences. Banco Santander of Spain is already working with Telefonica to launch joint innovation projects using 5G technology and edge computing. Using virtual reality and edge computing technologies, Banco Santander allows customers to virtually visit the Santander work café at the bank’s office in the center of Madrid. Other players in the financial industry like Westpac Bank, Citibank, CapitalOne, and Visa are also exploring the possibilities of AR and VR in a 5G powered world.3,4,5,6