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Building Customer Engagement on Top of The Core

In collaboration with American Banker

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Learn how banks are coping to deal with the demands of digital acceleration that has swept across financial services, yet still being heavily reliant on legacy systems, and how it’s becoming increasingly apparent to banks that in the desire to improve customer engagement, modernizing core technology is only part of a comprehensive platform for innovation.

To better understand how financial institutions are aligning their technology solutions with their customer engagement goals, American Banker surveyed business leaders from U.S.-based global, national and regional retail banks on behalf of SunTec.

“Core technology has historically reinforced silos within banks because it has been built to fit banks’ internal structures”

Nanda Kumar, Founder and CEO at SunTec

Why is this a must-read?

This report highlights the opportunities and challenges banks face in building more responsive systems that offer a more comprehensive view of their customers. Topics included are:

  • How banks are struggling with competing priorities for their retail banking franchises
  • How legacy core banking systems are affecting innovation
  • Which possible solutions banks can leverage to go beyond core modernization
  • Why an alternative approach to digital innovation may be a practical solution


File name: AB_SunTec-Group-White-Paper-Final.pdf

File size: 316 KB

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