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Why Composable Architecture is the Future of Banking

By Puneet Bhatia,
GM – Industry Product (BFSI),
SunTec Business Solutions

The banking industry is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by evolving customer expectations, rapid technological advancements, and increasing regulatory complexity. Traditional monolithic architecture served banks well for decades but is now increasingly proving inadequate to address these challenges. The limitations of monolithic architecture can be tackled through a composable approach, which can become the cornerstone of the bank of the future. In this article, we will delve into the specific challenges banks face, the benefits of a composable architecture, and how BIAN principles can guide the transition.

The Challenges of Monolithic Architecture

Banks have historically relied on monolithic architecture, where all components of the system are tightly coupled and interdependent. While this approach offered stability in the past, it now presents significant hurdles:

  • Inflexibility and Slow Time-to-Market: Introducing new products or services requires extensive development cycles, impacting agility and competitiveness.
  • Increased Costs: Maintaining and upgrading monolithic systems is expensive and time-consuming, often leading to high operational costs.
  • Scalability Limitations: Handling increased transaction volumes and customer growth can be challenging, leading to performance issues.
  • Risk Concentration: A single point of failure can disrupt critical banking operations, exposing the bank to significant risks.
  • Innovation Barriers: Monolithic systems hinder experimentation and adoption of new technologies, stifling innovation.

The Promise of Composable Architecture

Composable architecture offers a fundamentally different approach, breaking down applications into smaller, independently deployable components or microservices. These components can be combined and recomposed in various ways to create new products, services, and customer experiences. Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced Agility and Speed to Market: Composability enables faster development and deployment of new features. This allows banks to respond quickly to market changes and customer demands.
  • Improved Cost Efficiency: By modularizing components, banks can optimize resource allocation and reduce operational costs.
  • Scalability and Resilience: Individual components can be scaled independently, ensuring optimal performance and resilience.
  • Reduced Risk: Isolating components minimizes the impact of failures, improving system reliability and security.
  • Innovation Catalyst: Composability fosters a culture of experimentation and innovation, enabling banks to explore new business models and revenue streams.

BIAN and the Foundations of Composable Architecture

BIAN’s standardized framework aligns closely with the principles of composable architecture. By providing a common language and shared understanding of banking processes, BIAN facilitates the creation of interoperable components. Key BIAN concepts that support composability include:

  • Business Capabilities: BIAN’s business capability model can be used as a blueprint for defining microservices, ensuring alignment with core banking functions.
  • Data Objects: Standardized data objects promote data consistency and interoperability between components.
  • Service Domains: BIAN’s Service Landscape brings together modular Service Domains and enables the creation of flexible and reusable user journeys.
  • Business Scenarios: Seamless interactions between Service Domains to demonstrate complex business processes as a response to a business need.

Capitalizing on the Available Opportunity

As a pricing, billing, and revenue management solution provider to banks, SunTec is in a strategic position to capitalize on the shift towards composable architecture. Our solutions, which handle complex interactions between customer data, product management, pricing, and billing, are inherently well-suited for a modular approach.

Key Areas of Focus

  1. Microservices Architecture:
    • Decoupled Components: We have designed our product suite as distinct, smaller business components that may be deployed independently or in combination to deliver the required set of business functions.
    • API-First Approach: We have designed our microservices with well-defined APIs to facilitate seamless integration with other banking systems.
    • Containerization: We have packaged microservices into containers for efficient deployment and management.
  2. Data Management and Interoperability:
    • Data Standardization: We have aligned our data models with industry standards (e.g. ISO 20022, PEPPOL, BIAN Data model) to ensure compatibility with banking systems.
    • Data Integration: We have developed robust data integration capabilities to connect with various data sources within a bank’s ecosystem.
    • Data Governance: We have implemented strong data governance practices to maintain data quality and security.
  3. Agility and Scalability:
    • Continuous Delivery: We have adopted CI/CD practices to accelerate development and deployment cycles.
    • Cloud-Native Architecture: We have leveraged cloud platforms for scalability, elasticity, and cost-efficiency.
    • Modular Pricing and Billing: We have designed our solutions to accommodate dynamic pricing models and flexible billing structures, irrespective of business segments.
  4. SunTec’s Alignment with BIAN:
    • Business Capability Mapping: We have aligned our product offerings with BIAN business capabilities to demonstrate interoperability.
    • Service Channel Integration: Our solutions have been built to integrate with various banking channels (e.g., mobile, online, branch) through our API-first approach.
    • Customer Journey Optimization: We have provided relevant pricing and billing information at appropriate touchpoints, that contribute to customer journeys.
    • BIAN API Service Adaptors: We are implementing adaptors that will allow banks to seamlessly integrate with our solutions.

Our Joint Value Proposition for Banks

  • Faster Time-to-Market: Quickly introduce new products and pricing strategies.
  • Increased Flexibility: Adapt to changing market conditions and customer preferences.
  • Cost Reduction: Optimize resource utilization and reduce operational expenses.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Deliver personalized pricing and billing experiences.
  • Reduced Risk: Isolate components to minimize the impact of failures.


Composable architecture is not just a technological shift but a strategic imperative for banks seeking to thrive in the digital age. By addressing the limitations of monolithic architecture and harnessing the power of BIAN in collaboration with SunTec, banks can build more agile, efficient, and customer-centric organizations. Embracing composability is essential to creating the bank of the future.

SunTec’s revenue management solutions embrace composable architecture and align with BIAN principles. They are designed as essential building blocks for banks to achieve their digital transformation goals.

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