A concept built on adaptability and innovation. The banking landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, with customer expectations and digital technologies reshaping the industry. As banks transform into “financial supermarkets,” embracing customer-centricity is no longer a choice. The Bank of 20XX, our vision of the bank of the future, emerges as a response to this transformation.
The journey to becoming the Bank of 20XX demands a holistic approach, marked by a shift to a customer-centric mindset, commitment to becoming “lifestyle partners,” and a complete reorganization around the customer’s unique needs. It involves embracing sustainability practices and striving to be omnipresent in the lives of customers, seamlessly integrating into their daily routines and addressing their evolving expectations.
Overcoming the legacy systems’ constraints, adopting cutting-edge technologies like AI, and fostering a data-driven culture are the steppingstones to success. The Bank of 20XX is not a distant dream; it’s a strategic choice and a leap into the future, aligning banking with the evolving expectations of customers.
“Here at SunTec, we have a key role to play, and our voice is heard.”
“If you have a mindset to learn new things, you can excel in whatever you do.”
SunTec works very closely with systems integrators who provide value added services to our customers. Our systems integrators have certified resources who design custom solutions based on the SunTec Xelerate platform and help deploy and manage the same for our customers.
SunTec has a large ecosystem of ISV & cloud partners who add business and technology functionality to SunTec Xelerate. These partners bring tremendous complementary value to our customers who are using or are actively considering SunTec Xelerate for their billing and revenue solutions.